Tuesday, August 23, 2016

So I guess now I'm a blogger...here goes nothing!

So I had this great Idea that at 29, I was going to go to Nursing school! Who would have thought after 15 years in Business Admin, I'd make a leap of compassion? Choosing caring and community over profits, territories, and the bottom line. Well 2 out of 5 semesters down, people keep saying "That's great you're half way done", no half way when I make it there will be MID TERM! So not only have a learn just enough to possible be dangerous, but I'm getting pretty great at walking the walk & talking the talk if I do say so my self! 

Everyone knows Nursing School any where is no joke but @ FSCC when you're a SUN CHIEF, it's an everyday struggle to ensure you don't end up as tomorrow's SACRIFICE! We say "FEAR THE FEATHER" and you should it's good advice. However, if that "FEATHER" is wearing the SACRED "WHITES", I'd suggest taking you'r FEAR up a notch; We're on a mission, we don't give up, we get very little sleep, and our ever enchanting exclusive group of FEARLESS leaders can be all knowing and nurturing, Medicine Miracle Workers or if you cross one of their young "Novice Student Nurse in WHITES" you may just get to see them become WITCH DOCTORS, because lets face it before to long they will all have there DOCTORATES! Remember, one day hopefully far away in the future; many trips of the EARTH around the SUN you will need one of us. And WE, the few the Proud and Loud SUN CHIEFS will be there for you!

So0o0o0o0o... long story short: A bag of tricks and skills that I'm not afraid to use, CHECK. A super awesome WHITE outfit that could double as a Halloween costume, CHECK. Dark circles from sleep deprivation, CHECK. More Knowledge than you could ever think it possible to learn in 8 months, CHECK!

And if that wasn't enough guess what? NOW, I got a BLOG! I have survived this far tackling a blog should be a piece of cake, I even figured out how to invite the best NUR201, Liver Loving Instructor & Mentor Ms.P! So here goes nothing!  


P.S. Nothing in this post has been meant in an offensive manner to anyone, regarding any topic, just a little satirical fun and puns!