Wednesday, November 30, 2016

EBA blog: Educated nurses, educating clients and their families on genetics.

New technologies are changing the evolution of modern day medicine. These technologies have led to the discoveries of remarkable things such as DNA and genetic inheritance, an idea that has transformed health care, biological science, and even how medical care is viewed. This concept coined genetics or genetic medicine aims at addressing the association between the genetic mutation and the disorder whereas, genomics addresses how the genetic mutation is expressed and the severity of expression with the resulting impact upon the individual's health. Genetics provides the mapping of the human genome and has resulted in overwhelming changes in medical care and a new responsibility for all nurses to be knowledgeable in regards to genomic health disorders (Camak, 2016).

Genetics and genomic developments are currently being integrated into all specialties of nursing clinical practice including but not limited to; oncology, pharmacogenetics, cardiology, palliative care, obstetrics, hospice and end of life care. This process has created new roles for nurses, including the integration of genetics into pharmacotherapeutics, and the integration of genetics and genomics into treatment guidelines for many diseases and disorders. The most essential role of the nurse is that of the client educator and advocate, while providing clients with accurate, informative and unbiased genetic education and resource information. During this process, nurses support clients and families by ensuring that they understand the risks and benefits of initiating genetic services (Camak, 2016).

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] states that nursing educators now have the responsibility to encourage nursing graduates of all types to become patient advocates for clients and families facing genomic health compromise including that of genetic counseling. The AACN expresses the need for nursing programs to prepare graduates to, “recognize the relationship of genetics and genomics to health, prevention, screening, diagnostics, selection of treatment, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness, using a constructed pedigree from collected family history information as well as standardized symbols and terminology” (Camak, 2016). To accomplishing this nurses acting as educators, need to possess an understanding of genetics and genomics, pharmacogenomics, be competent in screening and identifying those at risk for genetic health compromise and effectively address client and family advocacy needs (Camak, 2016). This type of understanding will allow nurses at all levels from novice to well established experts, to take the lead in incorporating genetic and genomic needs at all levels of patient care.  Teaching the appropriate application of genomic treatment guidelines, further equipping and empowering clients with factual and evidenced based information, that will assist them in living the healthiest life possible.


Camak, D. J. (2016). Review: Increasing importance of genetics in nursing. Nurse Education Today, 4486-91. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2016.05.018
Personal Genomics. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2016, from
DeCODE genetics Archives -. (2015, November 12). Retrieved November 30, 2016, from

Posted by: Shane Howard SN, FSCC


  1. Good afternoon Shane,

    Definitely a fantastic post!
    Genetics is definitely ever-evolving in the health care field with new research coming out daily. Who knows, maybe one day there will be an entire class on just genetics. It's amazing how much information can be obtained from just genetic testing. Apparently, certain medications do not work for certain people because of their genetic makeup. So now, there is company who does genetic testing to figure out what medication should be used to best treat the disorder. This could potentially be very cost efficient considering how much a chemotherapeutic medication costs that might not even be the best medication to shrink the tumor.
    You make a very good point stating patient teaching about genetic testing is crucial because of the associated benefits and risks. I can imagine a person discovering they have the gene to develop a debilitating disease can possibly be just as debilitating as actually experiencing disease. With that said, it would be very interesting to see a study done on how it affects a person knowing versus a person not knowing the genetic tendency of developing a particular disease.

    Thank you very much for sharing!! ��

  2. It is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God. I have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you know what I mean” but let's be honest here...
    It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I accept Dr Itua herbal medicine because it's cure my herpes just two weeks of drinking it and i have been living for a year and months now I experience outbreak no more, You can contact him if you need his herbal medicine for any such diseases like, Herpes, Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic,Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob,,Lyme Disease,Epilepsy, ,ALS,Hepatitis,Copd,Parkinson disease.Genetic disease,Fibrodysplasia disease,Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Men/Woman infertility, bowel disease ,Huntington's disease ,Diabetes,Fibroid. disease,Lupus,Lipoid Storage diseases( Gauchers disease),Polycystic Disease.,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Cirrhosis of Liver,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic,HIV, Epilepsy, Infertility, Love Spell,. then what's app.+2348149277967.... My advice to any sick men/women out there is simple... Be Always an open book. Be gut wrenching honest about yourself, your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back. Holding back will get you nowhere...maybe a one way ticket to lonelyville and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just starting to grasp this one..
